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  • What are we moving?
    We are moving our corporate office which is spread over various locations to our new Corporate Office in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • Why are we moving?
    Our corporate functions are spread out over various locations. We have noticed that being together under one roof is more efficient. We miss the coffee corner chat and due to time differences - although sometimes it works to our benefit - we miss face time. With this move we will have all the decision makers and support personnel together.
  • When are we moving?
    During the period 15 August till approximately end of October we will gradually be bringing in people and material.
  • How will it affect you?
    If you are a customer of our products or services, this will not affect any operations. Our factory and support desk will remain at the same locations, there are no personnel changes and the operation will be the same. It is possible that new contracts or orders are signed or accepted by a Canadian legal entity rather than a Hong Kong entity. If you work with us as a vendor or consultant you may notice some differences with which company you are dealing with, although for most nothing will change.
  • Any other changes?
    During this restructuring we are also restructuring the software and IP licenses and SAAS provider. We aim to make the structure more robust so our customers have their service properly protected.
  • Who will be in the Vancouver office?
    Our founder, our CEO, our R&D management, our Coporate reporting unit and our North Americn Sales unit.
  • So where are we moving to?
    Our address in Vancouver is: #122 901 West 3rd Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 3P9 CANADA and our telephone number is: +1 604-922-1008 And here is a picture:
  • And when you come to visit ... what is there to do in Vancouver?
    Vancouver is a great place. Check this: And if you're here in the winter and you enjoy some snow, try this: Hope to see you soon!
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